Vital Woman Unearthed

Vitality for powerful purpose

Welcome to Vital Woman Unearthed

There is a deep yearning within to live with greater impact in our world. But we pull back because it feels big and overwhelming and, frankly, as women we’re already overstretched with family, work in the home and our careers. The strain this puts on our health and wellbeing, and the fact that there’s ‘no time for me’, makes playing in our purpose feel unrealistic and even indulgent. But what if there’s a way to dodge putting yourself last and derailing your dreams?

At Vital, we help you unearth your true nature through ancient Ayurvedic principles, and practices so you can step on to your unique pathway to health and wellbeing in a way that integrates your Self, your family, your community AND have the energy to fuel your purpose and incredible creations.

At Vital we NOURISH:

Fitness without body obsession

Food without restrictions

Routine without limitations

Implement nourishing practices that support your personal growth and busy schedule

(dogma not included)

At Vital we CONNECT:

Community without small talk

Friendships without judgement

Accountability without hustle

Make connections with other aspirational women when and from where it suits you

(fancy clothes and make-up not required)

At Vital we RESTORE:

Spirituality without rules

Guidance without superiority

Energy without excess


Restore your stability and your energy source and be the positive influence you know you are

(woo woo is optional)

I am Anika, creator and visionary of Vital Woman Unearthed

I have lived the past 10 years entwined with Mother Earth, growing a business as an organic farmer with my husband and two young children. Mother Earth has taught me so much about the importance of living within the laws of nature, to create balance and vitality, and to live a life of fulfilment.

I am an organic farmer, wife, mother and Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, deeply committed to supporting You to understand how simple, nature-inspired practices can create balance and harmony in your life, in accordance with the ancient principles of Ayurveda.

With Mother Nature as our guide, Vital Woman Unearthed is a vibrant and growing community of women who are learning how to come back to balance and vitality, creating powerful purpose for a life fully lived and loved.

Thank you for being here.

Anika x