Welcome, I am

Anika, Vital Woman Unearthed

I look out my office window and what I can see is this expansive, wide-open space.

That space, is our home.

It is our life.  

An all-consuming adventure that has taught us everything we know about nature, and how to Be.   

How to live.

How to work.

How to love.

How to surrender.

And how to accept.

We are the custodians of this expansive, beautiful land. 100 acres of certified organic farmland, nestled in the bush at the end of a dusty dirt road, somewhere between Brisbane and Toowoomba.

In 2012, while pregnant with our girl, I lost my mum to an aggressive illness. Heartbroken and grieving, I started to prepare for my daughter’s arrival, praying she would enter in a calm, natural birth - and she did.  Her birth was empowering, beautiful, and most of all - healing. The pain and trauma I experienced with our son’s birth magically disappeared.

Seven months later we sold our house, packed up our young family, and relocated across the country to start a life as organic farmers.  Three whirlwind years later, our journey as first-generation farmers nearly abruptly ended as we endured the loss of many challenges, back to back. As we tethered on the cusp of bankruptcy, unable to afford rent, we built a shelter on the farm – dirt floors, no bathroom, bedrooms, or kitchen.

The constant, high-level stress impacted my health, and it was Ayurveda that supported my healing.

I had tried western medicine, naturopathy, diet, and exercise to aid my un-wellness (bloating, heavy metal poisoning, candida, headaches, fatigue, malabsorption, post-natal depletion, etc), and it would work - but not for long.

Ayurveda attributed to long-lasting, impactful change in all aspects of my health – the spiritual, physical and mental.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian holistic approach to healing based on your individual blueprint and needs. Change is facilitated by bringing you back to balance, across all aspects of your life – not by treating a singular part or symptom.

Living on and working with the land, I deeply understand and embody that this is exactly how nature works. It is a complete system where every part affects another. Organic farming and Ayurveda taught me this, and both guided me to connect back to nature - both innate and that which surrounds me. They both are intertwined and are the reason I share my experience and knowledge with Vital Woman Unearthed Community.

Mother Nature, her teachings and her medicine led me home, to a state of balance, vitality and fulfilment. I am living my powerful purpose. I am a certified Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, certified organic farmer, mother of two, partner to one (hehe) and the creator and founder of Vital Woman Unearthed. The Vital Woman Uneathered community is here to support you to do the same – to unlock your vitality and fulfil your powerful purpose.  

I am grateful you’re here.

Anika x